Maritime Injury
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Picture of James Jacobsen

James Jacobsen
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Phone: 206-282-3100
Fax: 206-282-1149
Toll Free: 877-332-5529

4039 21st Ave W. #401
Seattle, Washington 98199

James Jacobsen was a merchant seaman and Alaska fisherman from 1979 to 1984. He has worked as a deckhand and mate in the Gulf of Alaska, Bering Sea, Southeast Alaska and Puget Sound    and is licensed by the U.S. Coast Guard. He is a former member of the Inland-boatmen's Union of the Pacific and the Alaska Fishermen's Union. Jacobsen graduated from the University of Oregon School of Law in 1986, Order of the Coif. He served as law clerk to the Hon. Robert C. Belloni, U.S. District Court Judge, D. Oregon and was an Admiralty Trial Attorney for the U.S. Department of Justice in Washington D.C. He has been in private practice since 1992 representing injured maritime workers. He also represents employees subject to workplace harassment and discrimination. Mr. Jacobsen is licensed to practice in Washington and Alaska.

Our Successes
$16,000,000 - Jury Verdict for Ferry Worker Injury Gangway Collapse
$11,401,000 - Jury Verdict for Deck Mechanic Injury Injured Jones Act Deck Mechanic
$7,000,000 - Federal Jury Verdict for Oiler Injury Injured Jones Act Oiler
$4,200,000 - Wrongful Death Judgment for longshoreman killed by unsafe cargo container stow.
$4,000,000 - Jones Act Maritime Wrongful Death
$4,000,000 - Burn Injuries Fire and explosion in engine room of fishing vessel.
$3,500,000 - Brain Injury Tug boat deckhand injured by defect in barge’s crane.
$3,500,000 - Cognitive Injury Seaman's cognitive injury settlement